Tuesday, March 24, 2009

...Another Nun's Treasure

I recently came back in contact with some old friends and, not surprisingly, they've continued to do interesting, worthwhile things with their lives. For instance, Lyanda has this really warm and informative blog called Tangled Nest, undoubtedly a reference to her publicized penchant for birds. I highly recommend it!

Her posting for today was so perfect for The Compact Project, I postponed my other planned topic in favor of sharing Transforming Refuse: Sister Monika's Amazing Market Bag. Enjoy! -k8-


Anonymous said...

Thanks! What a beautiful blog! Can't wait to share it with my 10-year-old teenager-in-waiting (and her closet).

KateLaugh said...

Check out this related BAG site:


Larkin said...

I've seen these before and am always astonished by the patience the makers must have. But maybe It's time I tried my hand at this? JK Mom, don't worry! But they are so cool.